Social Media Feature Upgrade
November 28, 2015Silvrbackers, greetings!
You will have probably noticed by now some changes taking place on your blog in terms of social media accessibility. As of this writing, we're stilling rolling these upgrades out, but the end result should be that you and your readers will have easier access to your social media presence from your site and articles. In addition to Twitter, we've added setup options for Facebook, Instagram and Google+.
Here's how this will work. The setup for social media continues to take place through the blog setup screens that are accessed from your user controls console. You will see you have more options as to what will be visible and where it will be visible on your blog and published articles. As always, whatever changes you make need to be saved. So, be sure to click the red 'save' button at the bottom of the setup page.
Setup options are as follows. As far as social media links in the header, these only will be an option for the blog header and not for the individual published-article headers. This is current functionality on Silvrback.
For the right-side tab, it is to be a fixed-position, low-key presence on your blog and published-article pages. You decide whether these are visible at all in the header or right-side tab of your blog.
We expect the roll out to be complete over the next day or so.
Thanks for Silvrbacking with us...